Make Your Piano Playing Sound More Professional by Learning to Think Like a Singer
by David L. Doolin Sounds like a strange title for an article on how to play the piano doesn̢۪t it. However, singers employ some tricks that we piano players can learn from. Here are five important ones. (1) Phrase it like a singer. Think the words to the song as you play. Many times we are so engaged in the notes on the page that we forget that most popular music is also meant to be sung. Singers naturally slow down and pause slightly at the end of a phrase to take a breath. So should we. Most of our listeners are unconsciously thinking the words to themselves as they hear the music. Unless we observe these natural pauses that singers use, our playing comes off as stiff and unemotional. Certain parts of the song may also need a tempo change. The chorus for example is usually the high point of the song emotionally. For that reason a singer may increase the tempo slightly. We should do the same. Often times the end of the song may need a slight slowing down or ritard. So...