How to Run Cables For Your Surround Sound System
By Andy Dansby Readers of this article, need to know this disclaimer. Some of the practices you encounter in this article pose some risk. Be careful when crawling in an attic or crawl space with sharp tools. Be wary of any spiders, rodents or any other creatures that may be lurking in these spaces. If there is any question of safety, then call a professional and let them do the work for you. There is always risk when working with tools especially if you are unfamiliar with their dangers. You have your new surround sound system and have the cables ran across the floor and now have thrown bits of carpet across the wires so you do not trip over them, or perhaps you have run the cables along your baseboard and either stuffed it underneath the edge or stapled it across the baseboard. Now you wish you hadn't and want a "Professional" installation. You can do the professional installation yourself with a few tips. One of the most complicated parts and most labor ...