How to Sing Better Without Wasting Money
People who are eager to find out how to sing better are probably into this for some time. There are countless singing tutors or Web sites that promise that will improve your singing style in no time, but you only end up disappointed and with considerably less money when they fail to do so. In this situation it is probably best to look for solutions that have proven results. There are many training packages out there, but how many of these will teach you how to sing better without wasting your money? The secret is to learn how to use your full vocal range, to stay in pitch and to continuously analyze your results. The analysis implies not only recording your voice while singing, but also asking your friends (or even better, a qualified person) what they think about your style. An important thing to keep in mind is not to get upset on the others if they are criticizing the way you sing. This way you will be able to find out what things go wrong, and thus, what can be impro...