What's the Tone Control For?
Most players seem to have either questions or a misunderstanding on why and how to use their guitar and amp tone controls, so don't feel bad if you do too. Sure they're the place that you shape your overall guitar tone (amp tone too), but tone controls can be so much more. First of all, you want to adjust the tone controls so that all the notes of your instrument speak evenly. That is, no note or group of notes are way louder or softer than any other. On a guitar this might sound something like the low end is really too boomy when you play a Les Paul or something with humbucking pickups through your amp setup, but it's nice and even with a Strat or something that has single coil pickups. Or the other way around where the Paul sounds balanced while the Strat sounds light on the low end. In this case, adjusting either the bass or mid controls on the amp will make sure that all notes are equal in level. Another situation might be ...