The Secrets to Making Piano Accompaniment Sound Professional
If you are a piano accompanist but your accompaniment doesn't sound well, or you want to be an accompanist but you don't know anything and you can't find a teacher who can teaches you how to play accompaniment piano effectively, don't worry, this home study piano courses will teach you become a better piano accompaniment! In this " Mastering The Art Of Piano Accompaniment Course " Yoke Wong, an experienced accompanist will share her valuable techniques. For examples, how to improve the dexterity of your hands, how to play accompaniment piano using left hand and right hand chords with various accompaniments, how to accompany 'on the spot' (the never heard music before), how to use three pedals on the piano. The course is suitable for intermediate to advanced piano players. The "Mastering The Art Of Piano Accompaniment" course consists of 3 DVDs (an hour each) and a handbook of various how to play accompaniment piano ...