A Review Of 'learn And Master Piano

by Samson D

I was one of the few fortunate people who got an advance copy of the 'Learn And Master Piano' and got have taste of it before it could hit the markets. This was compiled by Legacy Learning Systems; it was the same company that produced the highly appreciated 'Learn And Master Guitar' program. I knew the kind of work they produced and was expecting something really good; I wasn't disappointed at all this program was of really good standards. Will Barrow, the Grammy award winning piano player was hired to be the instructor of this program. Will Barrow is a well renowned pianist, other than this he is also a good singer, composer and piano teacher. I am going to give you a small look into what is included with this program and what it's potentials are:

1. DVD's - they are the most important part of the program or course. The program is inclusive of 14 DVD's, each containing of two sessions. I have gone through these lessons and I wouldn't exaggerate by saying it was absolutely amazing. Mr. Barrow teaches you each lesson with well defined step by step instructions, which you get time to practice later. The user interface of the program makes it really easy to browse through. The onscreen key board which helps highlight the keys that are being discussed are truly helpful.

2. CD's - This course comes bundled with 5 play along while you listen CD's which has over 120 tracks. The best part about it is that all the songs have 2 versions one with piano playing and in the other the piano is muted. As you start learning you can play along with the piano and slowly as you get better you can play along the track without the piano. The recordings are so good that you will get hooked on to the tracks. A professional band was hired to do the recordings.

Lesson Book- this lesson book really is a good option. The book consists of both CD's and DVD's. Each and every song in this book that you find is in the form of music notation.

With this excellent training program that can simply teach how to play piano or even helps to improve their skills. And at the end it is the great guide to help you in learning the piano with effective manner.

About the Author

Visit http://www.thepianonerd.com/special



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