Infomercial Production Notes #4 - How to Select the Right Microphone

By Jay Douglas

There are 3 major types. The desktop microphone, the lavalier microphone, and the headset microphone.

Now, while there are some fine desktop microphones on the market, I don't recommend any of them for audio or video production. Why?

Because they can be moved to different positions on the desktop and that means that each time you record you have to adjust it to ensure it is positioned in exactly the same position as your last recording or the recording volume won't be consistent. This is especially critical when you're doing long recordings, take a break, and come back to continue recording.

The second undesirable feature of a desktop microphone is that, even if the microphone remains in exactly the same position, you as the user don't. You don't sit perfectly still when you're using the computer. You'll turn your head, scratch, or whatever, and your head and mouth placement will cause your recording levels to fluctuate.

In fact, in order to ensure consistent sound recordings with a desktop microphone, you almost have to lean into the microphone – just like you see radio talk show hosts doing. The reason they lean into the mic is to make sure that the sound quality and volume remain consistent. And this, obviously, presents a difficult challenge – especially when you're working on the computer a the same time. Again, recording volume consistency is a must in professional audio and video recording. So save yourself the hassle skip the desktop microphone option.

Next is the lavalier microphone. This is the type of microphone used by the NBC news anchor I keep saying I'm going to make you sound like. But, guess what, I don't recommend this type of microphone for extended audio and video production work.

Jay Douglas is part-owner of a private, exclusive membership site dedicated to teaching people how to quickly and easily make video infomercials to sell their products or services on the Internet. The website consists of over 140 video tutorials that show step-by-step exactly how to make video infomercials. And hundreds of hours of audio are available. Watch this video...


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