How to Sell Music - Learn How to Sell Your Music on & Offline
By Davis Carter
Learning how to sell music just got easier since you last clicked your mouse. Whether you choose to market your music to an Internet audience or on the street out of your car, the same principles apply. No matter what, everything is a numbers game. The more records you make, the more money you make, so the more people you have selling for you, also the more money you make.
High Volume - Faster Sales
The Street
The people who enjoy your music will more than likely be willing to promote it for you. This will come in handy if your fans happen to have more enthusiasm than you do about selling. If I sell a couple CDs to a few kids on the street, they come back to me hours later and tell me how much they liked it, I would ask them if they would like to help me sell it. There is a good chance that they will accept if I offer to pay them a percentage of my revenue from my sales. If you do this to enough people, you can generate income fairly fast as opposed to you and your 1 friend just selling CDs 1 at a time. I recommend this technique over selling straight to a record shop because, the record shop will not promote as well as your fans will.
The Internet
You can do the same exact thing with the Internet by asking people to add your banner, music, and pics to their site. If you've ever been on MySpace, Facebook, or YouTube and received a message from someone telling you they enjoy your music, the next time it happens, ask them if they would like to promote it. This is where many people lose out because they fail to respond to messages they receive over the Internet from their fans. Everyone needs a job, so most of these people will be willing to promote your music and get paid for it.
This is all very simple to do, now all you have to do is do it. You don't want to keep putting off till tomorrow what should have been done last year. If you're shy about promoting, follow these techniques and everyone else will be promoting for you while you all get paid. Anyone who seriously wants to know how to sell music can do these tips easily.
Selling music online can be a great way to earn extra income, as long as you know what you're doing. If you're looking for fast and simple ways to get radio play, produce videos, build a music website, bring thousands of qualified "buyers" to your site daily, while getting music contacts, and expanding your record label, click here: How to Sell Music For even more information on Internet music promotion, click here: How to Sell Music Online No worrying about shipping costs and when it will come, everything is available instantly. |