Guitar Song Chords - how do you learn them?

by stephen

Learning guitar song chords is probably one of the quickest ways someone, who has just decided to learn how to play the guitar, is able to play tons of songs new and old in the quickest time possible.

Right!, now even though i said the quickest time possible, that does not mean that it is by any means easy!. For a start you will have to build tough calluses on the end of your finger tips so you can comfortably press the guitar strings down without being in pain!

So how do you build your calluses up?

Well it is quite simple really, what you do is learn a selection of basic simple guitar song chords, the reason you do this is so your fingers will eventually be able to hold the shape of the various chords without you having to think about it to much so you can just concentrate on playing the song.

So how do you go about learning these chords?

Well what you do is learn various guitar song chords which are usually presented in some sort of progression or order, the whole purpose of this is for your fingers (after many. Many days of practice) to remember the chord shapes so you don't have to, which is called muscle memory.

As you are practicing these chord progressions your fingers will hurt and it will become quite painful to finger these chord shapes, but what you do is perservere,and over weeks calluses will start forming on the end of your fingers and fingering the chord shapes will not hurt so much anymore and also you will find that you can almost automatically get your fingers to finger the chord shapes without you having to think about it so much!

That's when you are starting to make some progress, now all you need to learn is to change between the various guitar song chord shapes smoothly while at the same time strumming the guitar strings! which calls for more intense practice! But trust me it's all worth it because once you can do it, all sorts of songs will open up to you.

Most all modern pop songs use pretty much similar guitar song chords so that once you know a good basic selection, you will be able to play most songs quite easily! You can imagine also, how impressed everyone will be when you can start strumming well known pop songs!

But this is all very well but how do you even start to learn all this stuff? Well if you have a lot of money you could hire a private guitar tutor, or if you are not loaded and can not spend to much then thankfully you are in luck!

Now that we have this great thing called the world wide web, we also have at our fingertips a whole wealth of learning and knowledge ready and waiting for us. And plus its just more convenient!

About the Author

The place i learnt how to play my acoustic guitar was jamorama acoustic guitar course! , there is a small joining fee, but it's nothing compared to what you will save not having to have a private tutor! plus you can learn at your own speed! Click Here!



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