Free Piano Lessons Show You How to Create Your Own Music!

So, you're looking for free piano lessons? There are many sites on the Internet that offer to teach you how to play the piano. Problem is, they aren't that good. That is, you may learn how to read bass or treble clef, but you won't come away being able to actually play something…until now!

My name is Edward Weiss and I've been offering students free piano lessons for over 3 years now. Specifically, the lessons I offer help you to improvise and create your own music without any experience necessary! The 2 free piano lessons offered are titled "Winter Scene" and "Reflections in Water!"

Each lesson offers you a different technique. In "Winter Scene," you learn how to play an ostinato pattern in your left hand while your right creates an improvised melody. "Reflections in Water" teaches you how to improvise using chords with both hands right away. There is no waiting, no complicated theory or technique to learn. On the contrary, these free piano lessons are designed to get you playing your own music right away from scratch.

Look, if you want to spend years learning how to read music and then play other peoples music, by all means you should. But if you want a new approach to music, one that's based on chords and improvisation, you're going to love these free piano lessons!

The cool thing about them is that they're structured like an art lesson. That is, it's a step-by-step instruction that leads you to improvising your own music. Just like an art lesson, you learn the basics first. Each step leads you to the next and if you follow the text, you'll be able to just sit down at the piano and play. Try out these free piano lessons and see for yourself!

Edward Weiss is a pianist/composer and webmaster of Quiescence Music's online piano lessons. He has been helping students learn how to play piano in the New Age style for over 14 years and works with students in private, in groups, and now over the internet. Visit now and get a FREE piano lesson!


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