Notes in a Piano Lesson

Melody of Auld Lang Syne, did you know that the tune of Auld Lang Syne could be played on just the five different black notes of your piano or keyboard? Essentially like a piano player, a MIDI player allows you to put in the notes and musical data, and then even change the actual sounds that will play back to you. To play the notes at your piano on the right keys and with timing does not mean that your notes will be played with mathematic precision.

For instance, if you only know 2 chords and the notes of the scale or Key these chords are in, then that's all you need to simply BE at the piano. For instance, the C major chord is made up of the numbers 1-3-5 of the C scale which results in the pianist playing the following notes on the piano C-E-G simultaneously. If you look at the strings of a piano, you'll see that many of the notes are actually made up of two or three strings that are hit at the same time when you depress a key.

It includes two or more notes such as the sound of piano, drums, flute and a lot more. Alternatively, copy the tune notes onto your printout of the Silent Night Piano Chords below: write the tune notes into the blank lines below the chord lines. One can listen to a piano or pitch pipe for matching notes; or for those who have keen ears, all they do is listen to the notes the string create.

First, I teach students the names of the white and black notes on the piano. Over time visualization techniques help students develop a keyboard in their imaginations and begin to read notes as locations on the piano, interpreting the Grand Staff as a Map of the keyboard. Let's play some piano tab notes: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Now you have played a C-major scale with the actual notes C D E F G A B. Learning to identify notes will play a large part in your understanding of piano chords.

Guy Katir

These websites will show you how to discover easy step-by-step secrets on how to play the piano like a professional.


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