Why Should I Bother With a Piano Restoration?
By Kristen Easton
In our throw away society it's becoming more popular to refinish older items and restore them to their former glory. This process is not without sacrifice as there can be considerable time and cost involved. But when it comes to pianos the result is often well worth it.
Pianos, like many other instruments, often have a rich history that has been passed down through many generations. Simply choosing to discard that history and purchasing a new piano can be the quick and easy route, but you will undoubtedly destroy something of great value.
Having a piano truly restored is not a simple task. If you are lucky enough to have professional restorers in your area then your transportation costs won't be too high. Moving a piano just a few hundred miles can cost $600 or more. The job itself can take anywhere from a couple of weeks to several months depending on the severity and complexity of the restoration work required. The process is really an art form as they work to bring life back to the wood, restring and tune the piano, replacing damaged or missing parts and then apply the finishing touches to make it shine and sound majestic again. A family heirloom deserves this special treatment. Depending on the antique value of the piano itself (based on its history and manufacturer) you may be money ahead to have the piano refinished and then sell it on the open market. That decision would depend on whether you had any personal attachment to the instrument or if you were in it purely for profit. Either way, by proceeding with the restoration you are preserving a piece of history and bringing the beauty of music back to all those who will play it and hear the piano's music.
If your pocket book doesn't allow for a full restoration you can sometimes get by with a simple tuning and basic repair of the most essential parts. It's been recommended that you have your piano tuned at least 3-4 times a year in order to maintain its perfect pitch, twice that much if it hasn't been through a good break in period yet. For simple repairs and tuning you will not need to have the piano shipped as there are often traveling tuners who will come to your house and take care of the simple jobs.
Want more information on piano refinishing and piano repair? Then visit our website! |