How to Identify Flats and Sharps on the Piano
By Melissa Leanne Davies
If your wondering how to identify flats and sharps on the piano, then no worries, I have the answer for you. It is actually very simple.
As a teacher, I help my students on how to identify flats and sharps on the piano with a simple visual. When something is flat (such as a flat tire), then it goes down. When something is sharp (such as a sharpened pencil), then it goes up. So on the piano, flats go down a semitone, and sharps go up a semitone. Flats go down, sharps go up. Pretty straight forward right?
Well, if your motivated and self-driven enough to be teaching yourself how to play the piano then well done! You have the most essential key for becoming great at anything you do in life. My most successful piano students had the most drive and the most self-discipline, but they also had the most fun!
So, with that in mind you may be searching for more answers on how to play the piano.
I truly believe that learning piano should be fun and so I always look for fun materials and activities to work from. I want to teach my students from the best books that I can find and so I look around quite a bit; talking to other teachers and even trying new books that are suggested at teacher meetings.
Recently, I found a set of instructional books for all types of students that promote fun, self-disciplined learning. As a piano teacher, this was exactly what I was looking for. My students love these books because it gives them a chance to teach themselves, while still letting me go through their skills and techniques and offering my own suggestions as well. I find that these books have change the way that I teach because they encourage the student to explore music on their own and be creative with it whenever they can. I can get together with my students now and see a huge difference in their motivation to play....I prefer having the student led while I follow and offer guidance. These books are perfect for that. The student and teacher can discuss their findings from the lessons together and even come up with things on their own that they have learnt from them.
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