Watching What Your Children Watch on Telivision
This is sort of a little warning to you mothers out there, especially you mothers that work at home. You need to watch what your children watch on television. Fortunately the story I am about to tell you is a positive story and thank goodness he hasn't learned anything negative from watching TV.
I recently purchased The Max Lucado series of Hermie the Caterpillar and friends. I own 2 different movies one is Hermie the Common Caterpillar which is about a little caterpillar who thinks he is just regular and wants to be a butterfly or anything else except for a caterpillar and when Hermie talks to God and asks God why he made him so ordinary God just says I'm not done with you yet. Great lesson in my opinion but that is not the best part; I will get to the best part in just a minute, but first the second movie.....
The other movie I purchased from Family Christian book stores is Flo the Lyin Fly, this movie is about a little girl fly named Flo that lies all the time and when a big band called The Water Beetles no one believes her story. This teaches the children not to tell lies. When Flo talks to God, God tells her he never lies and she shouldn't lie either because it is a sin. A very good story to teach your children not to lie. But this isn't the best part I am getting to that.
The best part is my 2 year old talks to God. You see just Yesterday when I was at my night time job my mom was feeding my son dinner. She was also watching my sister's baby who was upstairs and just woke up and was crying, so my mom went upstairs to get the baby and when she came down she looked around the corner because she saw my son talking to whom else but God.He was looking up and saying God and saying sorry because he spilled his Tea. It actually came out something like this. "God", "sorry", "tea". You know how 2 year olds talk.
We pray at night before we go to bed, but a 2 year old talking to God just melts a mother's heart.This morning while I was feeding him breakfast he talked to God again, this time he said Hi, God and said he wanted to go to the park please. That went a little something like this. I speak baby so I will translate. "Hi, God outside park please.This was so adorable and sweet I felt like I should share it with the world.