Netlabels and Virtual Music Software


A netlabel is a virtual music label which handles its distribution 100% virtually, and an entity which also give away their artist's releases free of charge to its web visitors. The philosophy of most netlabels is to give away its music for free to its visitors. This ideology, interestingly enough, aligns itself with the current public's ideological demands that music should be something that is free. The masses today are demanding free music, and so we see many netlabels across the globe embracing this new paradigm shift of how music is to be handled and distributed. Netlabels around the globe represent collectives of like-minded individuals who produce quality music, and are helping to pave the way for new music distribution possibilities.

There are probably approximately 500 to 1000 netlabels currently in the globe covering a range of musical genres, although mostly spanning itself in the electronic music realm of genres. A possible reason for most being in the electronic genre may be that electronic music producers and its listeners are more technically inclined and for this reason tend to adopt more progressive attitude towards new use of use of a technology in general.

Power to the brewing individual artist

Perhaps one of the greatest powers that a computer has given to the new brewing individual artist has been to be self dependent upon his or herself to carry out the production, and the exhibition through virtual distribution of their works. The days of having a full blown outboard-hardware based studio with sound modules, drum machines, and effect processors is fazing out, since now almost all these pieces of hardware can be carried out with powerful software, which makes outboard gear emulated 100% virtually. With the combination of a midi controller, and one or two pieces of software, one can virtually create musical masterpieces on one's own PC without the need for any outboard gear whatsoever.

An interesting aspect of virtual software-based composition is that one does not have to necessarily be able to "play" any musical instruments, perhaps with the exception of playing of a midi piano keyboard, which is how one would input the notes or rhythms into one's virtual sequences. Actually, even if one didn't know how to play a midi piano keyboard, he or she could still use just a mouse and computer keyboard with a step-sequencer present in such software as FL-Studio or Buzzmachines.


I run a netlabel called "Lacedmilk Technologies" which has been up since the turn of the new millennium, and we dedicate ourselves to releasing various hybrids of electronic music including IDM, Drum and Bass, Down-tempo, Glitch, House, Trance, and other styles & genres that may often divert classification. Our philosophy has been to embrace new mediums of free music distribution, and to feature artists who have new pioneering sound styles and to offer its listeners.

Line Noise

http://www.Lacedmilk.Com (Netlabel / Collective)


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