Powerful Viral Marketing Gifts For Your Online Music Promotion - Part 1

In online music promotion, word of mouth, or more precisely, viral marketing is an extremely powerful tool. Who wouldn't want to be one of the lucky few people to gain notoriety, just by creating something people consider cool?

You can also create fun digital gifts for your music marketing campaign.

Whether, the materials you create go viral or not doesn't really matter. What matters is that your fans have something that makes them value you more. The stuff you are about to learn contains things they can make part of their everyday lives.

Let's do this.

1) Mp3s - the obvious choice - Many bands are very resistant to giving away songs. However, if you want your music to spread out you need to give your fans your best, all the time! Remember "garbage in - garbage out".

If fans like your songs they will put them on their iPods and on their phones. And they will share with their friends.

Plus they will come back for more. That's when you make your sale.

2) Ringtones - Most phones now support mp3 ring tones. You can simply use the best parts of your songs to make cool ring tones. Make clips about 15 to 30 seconds long and you have ring tones ready to go!

You can download Audacity free sound editing software from audacity.sourceforge.net/

3) Wallpapers - These can be made for both your fans' phones and their computers. You can make them using free software like Gimp. If you can afford Adobe Photoshop, that's great too.

You can also visit mytinyphone.com to create and even upload your wallpaper. Who knows, it may just end up becoming a top download!

This is it for now. Watch out for the second part where I will show you more ways to create viral marketing gifts for your online music promotion.

John Essiam is a music video director and an industry professional based in the UK. You can get a free download of his eBook "How To Get A Record Deal From The Comfort Of Your Bedroom" at GuaranteedVideos.com.


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